ASI/CGS manages the Italian GNSS fiducial network and delivers GNSS data to the users through the EUREF local data center GeoDAF. GNSS data is collected on daily and hourly basis at 30 sec rate and a few sites are also delivering real-time streaming via NTRIP protocol in the framework of the EUREF IP project.
Since 1996 ASI has been EUREF
local analysis centre contributing to the European
terrestrial reference frame realization trough the analysis
of an EPN sub-network mainly located in South Europe. ASI/CGS
provides to EUREF final, rapid and hourly SINEX files of site
coordinates based on IGS final,
rapid and ultra-rapid products. These products, in SINEX format,
are available at the EUREF
products web pages.
Final daily GPS solutions are used to estimate a velocity field which is later used for a strain-rate analysis in the Mediterranean area. GPS velocity field along with SLR and VLBI ones are the inputs for the ASIMed: a combined Mediterranean velocity field solution.
In addition, ASI/CGS provides to EUREF daily final ZTD estimates in SINEX TRO files of the considered network. Within E-GVAP, Near-Real-Time Zenith Total Delay estimates in COST format are delivered from a ground-based GNSS network covering the South Europe. It is also working as an E-GVAP Combination Center delivering on hourly basis GNSS combined ZTD products.
A GPS EOP time series obtained analysing data collected from
the worldwide network is available as well. The time series
is daily updated.